Updating Entries in Mongoose/MongoDB


Updating an entry in MongoDB via Mongoose ORM can be conveniently achieved using the findOneAndUpdate function. Here’s an example with object stores that take this form:

var person = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  age: Number,
  education: Array

mongoose.model('Person', person);

To update that a particular person’s age, we can simply write:

Person.findOneAndUpdate({'name': 'Kevin'}, {age: 26});

In the above example, the update was rather straightforward; however if we were to update a particular entry in an array, the operation becomes more involved.

Update an embedded array

For example, the education field, containing an array of objects describing the schools this person has attended may need to be updated. And we do not wish to update the entire array, but only an entry of it. How would we achieve that?

Disclaimer In many cases, it may make sense to use a SQL database since a larger dataset would have people and educational institutions stored as relational entries. However for the purpose of this post, exploring how to update a particular entry of the array, let’s assume the database is formed this way.

Suppose this person went to GenericName High School, graduating in 2008, then to Famous University, graduating in 2012, followed by Some Research Institute, graduating in 2016. The eduction field of this person would then look like:

  _id: '76sd68f7g7'
  school: 'GenericName High School',
  graduatingYear: 2008
}, {
  _id: '9a7df87s96'
  school: 'Famous University',
  graduatingYear: 2012
}, {
  _id: '987sdf987s'
  school: 'Some Research Institution,
  graduatingYear: 2016

We can gain access to to the object via findOne then operate on the array as needed, then perform a .save() operation. The code would take the following form:

Person.findOne({name: 'Kevin'}, function (err, foundPerson) {
  for (var i = 0; i < foundPerson.education.length; i++) {
    if (foundPerson.education[i]._id === '76sd68f7g7') {
      foundPerson.education.splice(i, 1);
      foundPerson.education.splice(i, 0, {
        _id: '7a5fjh4871',
        school: 'Another High School',
        graduatingYear: 2008
  // in case that person was not found
  return callback(Error('No such school with this _id'));

Note! Why did we use splice operation twice instead of foundPerson.education[i] = {} directly?

Mongoose does not recognize that as a change on the foundPerson, and therefore the .save() operation would not actually save the updated person.

Using splice here forces Mongoose to recognize the change therefore the save function behaves correctly as a result.

Built-in MongoDB Update methods

You might be wondering doesn’t MongoDB support embedded field updates for arrays? The answer is yes. Checkout these pages for excellent explanations:

Both methods have its advantages, and disadvantages. It depends on the situation. Choose wisely.
